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Digital product development

Experience strategy for your product

Do you want to stand out in a market full of solutions similar to yours? We can help you design a unique experience that will make your users love using your product specifically. We’ll design and implement measures that bring you closer to your users and help you measure the scale of your success.

Projektowanie strategii doświadczeń pozwala zwiększyć zadowolenie użytkowników.
Proces projektowy dla Strategii UX Twojego produktu

Strategic analysis

We will begin with an analysis of your product’s strategy. We’ll make sure we understand your brand promise, the solution and the value it delivers to customers, and how these aspects are addressed in user communication across the entire customer journey.



We will find out what your customers think, by conducting exploratory research with users (for example, conducting in-depth interviews, diary studies). We’ll investigate what your competition is doing, gather benchmarks and trends to inspire us in the process of creating solutions.


Designing the strategy

Based on the findings from the research and strategic goals, we’ll create design assumptions that will guide us in delivering the unique customer experience we want to provide. Then, together with your team, we’ll generate solutions, and those with the most potential will be turned into solutions in the form of mockups or prototypes.


User testing

We’ll show prototypes of solutions, such as interface mockups, to your customers. We’ll ask them to identify the best elements. This way, we’ll select those that elicited positive and expected emotions in your customers, and turn chosen elements into the final solution.


Creation and implementation of solutions

We’ll choose the right competencies to design a product that delivers the expected experience. We’ll consult during the project’s implementation to ensure that the end result does not deviate from the design.


Project, implementation and analysis of UX metrics

Our team will prepare a set of measures that will allow us to assess the project’s impact on customer experience and their satisfaction. We’ll use ready-made frameworks such as HEART score or Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), as well as design our own specific measures to evaluate the given experience. We will analyze them cyclically to improve solutions and achieve better results.

Experience strategy Design Team for your product

Radek Rejsel

Co-Owner | UI & Strategy Designer

Joanna Sabak

Senior UX & Service Designer

Marta Jakubowska-Sobczak

UX Designer & Researcher & Team Leader

Frequently asked questions

User experience strategy involves determining what emotions your product should evoke in users. The emotions that are elicited from a user’s interaction with your product are well remembered by them. Defining these emotions helps us build user attachment to the brand, their perception of the brand, and influences the number of returning customers.

When your competitors provide solutions related to yours, which are functionally similar, the implementation of an experience strategy can differentiate your product or service. The unique experience that you guarantee users when they come into contact with your service or product affects their loyalty to your offer, builds their loyalty to your brand, and influences their return rate.

Experience strategy focuses on the user and their emotions. Based on the principles of business strategy and insights gained from research conducted with users (such as needs analysis and tests), we outline a vision of the unique emotions we want to evoke in the user when they use your product or service. These emotions are what differentiate your offering from the competition.

Business strategy focuses on different aspects of product development than experience strategy. In experience strategy, we focus on emotions that are evoked in the user when they’re in contact with your service or product, so that your offering becomes memorable to them. Experience strategy is what sets your product or service apart from the competition and elevates it to a higher level.

UX design – experience design – focuses on a specific user path: in an application or on a website. Experience strategy is a concept that stands above that. By designing an experience strategy, we create certain assumptions that must be applied not only to the interface and communication but also to the entire path, such as email communication, client service, product packaging, branding, or a marketing funnel.

After familiarizing ourselves with your strategy and analyzing the current state of your product (based on research that will show what your users are saying about your product), Zima team will propose several concepts for creating experiences. We will test them and choose from them the elements that will build the desired user experience. Then we will create UX metrics for that experience, monitor its results, and periodically compare data. Based on the insights from analyzing the results, we will regularly introduce improvements to your product.

Mikołaj Moszyński, opinia naszych klientów.

“ZIMA allowed us to look at the client’s needs from a perspective that was previously unknown to us. They question and investigate everything to ensure that the client won’t question anything later on. Thank you.”

Mikołaj Moszyński

Develops FoodTech startups

“From the very beginning of working with Zima, I felt I was working with individuals who understand my needs. Zima’s team is open to feedback and willing to make changes. The created project meets my expectations. Upon finishing, I felt that something truly unique was created. However, while the results are impressive, the process is often more important, I myself feel I have learned a lot from it. I highly recommend working with Zima, especially if you value relationships, good communication and transparent cooperation.”

Ada Lal

Food influencer

Opinie naszych klientów

“I used to associate Zima (meaning winter in Polish) with a rather uninteresting time of year. However, the ZIMA agency has truly transformed my perception of the word. Working at the highest level may sound like a cliché, but we haven’t felt this well taken care of in a long time as an organization. Their preparations for workshops and meetings have been exemplary, and their work itself is refined down to every detail. With 20 years in the e-commerce industry, I consider their UX/UI level to be exceptionally high. That’s why it’s only natural for me to recommend them. Anyone looking to elevate their UX/UI now knows where to turn.”

Paweł Frieske

ReflectGroup.pl owner

Ilona and Radek founders of Zima UX UI

Let’s design it together!

Schedule a consultation with us. We will be happy to speak about your business needs, goals, and challenges. We’ll suggest a cooperation model most suited to your organization and provide you with a quote.